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How These Dumb Thieves Were Caught

A couple enters the business from the outside first, followed by a slightly tardy friend. She is obviously having issues with her hair because she keeps straightening it while the young man is standing in the store's corner. The two girls look through the shelves with a clear intention to spend money at the soda fountain on cans of Mountain Dew. The fact that the machine doesn't serve the drink they desired is one situation that warrants this fantastic trick. At least, such was their belief. Perhaps they were trying to complete a challenge they saw on social media. They may just be using it as easy entertainment. Yet, considering how useless it is, it is a dumb theft.

The two females take the cans and walk away from the cashiers toward the soda machine. They then covertly empty the can's contents into the cup, erasing a record of their wrongdoing. One of them will pour a little while later in order to maintain appearances. With the help of their pal, who is still standing at the bottom, the young brunette woman will sneak a cookie. Their nefarious shopping was completed. They cheerfully exit the store without a word, satisfied with their turn. Unfortunately for them, every flight sequence was recorded, and the visuals are so distinct that we can positively identify each person.

What's truly absurd, though, is that the two young women went to such trouble to have the soda fountain serve their preferred beverages. They may have just done some research before acting. One would worry that the two young women aren't accustomed to it given how easily they pulled off this theft.

The crime took place in the Indian state of Haryana, which was quite unexpected. A group of robbers stole all the vaccines from a district in April of this year. An entire consignment of COVID-19 vaccine was targeted for looting by a group of robbers as the nation struggled with an urgent shortage as the health crisis took its toll. The criminals trashed everything in their way after bursting into the djinn hospital, picking locks, and raiding storage facilities. They managed to steal 1710 vaccinations in total without touching the medications or money. The lack of security equipment deployed by the hospital management contributed to the success of their plan.

Even worse, there was no security present. However, as soon as the theft occurred, the neighborhood police filed a complaint against the as-yet-unidentified thieves. Were these criminals, opponents of the common good, loners, or members of a group? Since most vaccinations deteriorate quickly if they are not kept at an extremely low temperature, it is likely that this theft was ineffective. Even for experts, keeping vaccinations stored is a difficult task. Nevertheless, how could this gang of vicious thieves, who destroy everything in their way, have expertly positioned these stolen vaccines at exact temperatures?

Regrettably, pharmaceuticals and various medicines, like COVID-19 vaccinations, are widely available on the dark web, and these avaricious and self-centered crooks do not shirk from the allure of this game.

There is a man in China's Chen Wei area by the name of Wong who once had the misfortune to run up a sizable gaming debt. He had to pay this loan immediately, but he lacked the required amount. In these dire circumstances, some people occasionally consider dishonest means of obtaining funds. For instance, Wong had a brilliant concept that was influenced by Western movies. It is quite easy to implement this concept. It doesn't necessitate using force, taking hostages, or having exceptional computer abilities. Wong was confident that by inserting water bottles into vending machines, he would create a short circuit that would cause all of the machine's cash to fall out.

The CCTV footage reveals him putting numerous bottles into three vending machines without any resistance, doing material harm worth over €22,000 in total. How much money this madman could have profited from all this destruction is hard to say. The police were able to immediately identify and locate him, thus it is clear that things got more difficult for him. The amusing thing is that he had the audacity to claim that his twin brother was the offender. We assume that his debt must have been reduced thanks to a good fine and that all of his issues must have prevented him from playing. In any event, we enjoyed spending time with him.

Two hooded robbers intent on breaking into a store in China make an incredible duo. They had made the decision to carry out the crime in the dead of night in order to be more covert. They didn't put too much effort into their strategy. With the bricks they had packed, they were to smash the store's front entrance and then enter freely. We see their arrival. They have a suspicious demeanor and scan the area. Yet, they move on to the action as soon as they are certain they won't be seen.

The brick is thrown by the person closest to the entrance. But, in his haste to switch positions, he fails to see that his partner had projected the brick during his turn. This one hit him square in the skull. He immediately collapses stiffly and goes unconscious. Afterwards, when his companion is completely immobile, his friend must drag him in order to persuade him to stand. If the two people have traveled a considerable distance without a vehicle, their suffering is not yet over. In any event, it's a satisfying conclusion and a powerful example of karma.

Although the quality of these photographs from the various security cameras is poor, we can still clearly trace the actions of this burglar who enjoys making his life difficult. He intended to enter a supermarket through the roof rather than the front door, but his quest won't be simple. He is first seen outside the structure attempting to scale a wall from a relatively low height. He first fails, though, and we watch him fall, which must have hurt him a lot but not enough to stop him.

A little while later, he tries once more and is more successful this time. The thief then vanishes from the view of the camera and begins to work on the roof to unlock the door and enter the establishment. He's a success. We're not sure how, but it comes with a horrible upheaval. In fact, one observes different roof elements abruptly crumbling, bringing in their fall of larceny. which collapses once more. He soon stands up, though, feeling happy that the most challenging part is over. The burglar merely needs to fill up his card however he pleases, being sure to strip the box of course.

He seems like the property's owner. Nonetheless, leaving the shop was probably more difficult than entering. He will fall short of his goals in the coming moments in all he attempts. He initially tries to break the glass, then we watch him use a ladder to climb out the open roof, but the ladder slips out from under him, forcing him to fall a third time. The desperate robber, for whom we almost feel sorry, attempts to damage the security camera. that he finally noticed yet fails to notice. Through laziness, he finally settles down on a barrel and lights up a cigarette as the police show up.

In any case, his experience was full of surprises, and by recounting it, he will have a funny story to share with his fellow prisoners.

The best burglaries are those that aren't too long. Sufa Chai Panthon, a 27-year-old guy from Thailand, walked into a jewelry shop. He had no plans to purchase any charms. His unoriginal idea was to grab the jewel and leave the place as soon as possible. He enters hesitantly and paces back and forth before requesting to try on a gold necklace that costs €600. The jeweler hands it to Sufa Chai, who quickly moves in the direction of the closed door after trying it on, adjusting, and inspecting it. Closed, bam. It would appear that his physiognomy did not give the clairvoyant salesman confidence because he had secretly closed the front door.

The robber is therefore unknowingly caught, and all he will get is to briefly wear the priceless necklace. He returns to the seller after feeling bad and returns the necklace to him. The merchant doesn't appear startled or even irate. A little while afterwards, the police began the process of apprehending the Thai, who is deserving of the award for the most stupid attempt at robbery.

Two thieves in a black sedan had made the decision to break into a moving vehicle rather than a parked one by intimidating and threatening the driver. The surveillance video shows a black car with tinted windows blocking the way of an approaching white car, forcing it to brake. Instantly, the armed robber leaps out of his vehicle, rushes towards the driver at the stop and threatens him by summoning him to release his automobile. This person pulls aside from the perpetrator's raised hands without objecting and obeys.

The thief's strategy was all too successful, and the white automobile is now his, but a predicament humorous for us and unpleasant for him, will rapidly make him disenchanted. The stolen vehicle was a manual, and the thief had no experience behind the wheel. He didn't even know how to start the car, and occasionally, he appeared to be considering asking his victim for driving instructions. In other words, he was completely incapable of handling the situation, and he also made a critical error that led to his imprisonment. Instead of fleeing the crime scene in front of numerous witnesses, he stood stationary there for a considerable amount of time. What follows is certain to happen.

The police responded swiftly, which is commendable, and the thief and his accomplice were apprehended. It all works out in the end. The car's thief receives it back, and the criminals are sent behind bars. If the robbers had given it any thought, they might have chosen a more advantageous target for their theft.

A young woman in a short, tight dress shamefully made a show of herself in front of the public in a store in Krasnodar, Russia. She initially came to this place with the intention of shoplifting. While there was only one customer who was very mobile and uninterested in the concerns of others, she was not greatly impeded in her movement, but her stealing style is, to put it mildly, innovative. As a result, she may be seen in front of the refrigerator in the photos. She stealthily takes six items, which she promptly tucks under her panties.

She skillfully avoids raising suspicion, but she is nonetheless held accountable for Scott's actions. She undoubtedly prevailed in her wager and was not ejected from the shop. And whatever food was stolen, she must have liked the flavor of the forbidden fruit. She didn't have the wisdom to verify whether or not there were cameras before she entered the business, though. As a result of this idiotic imprudence, security publicized pictures of her robbing people, which caused the world to change. And as a result, she was made fun of by everyone using the Internet. In addition, she was pursued by the police, who must have had a difficult time catching up with her given the clarity of the film from the security cameras. Anyhow, she won't risk doing it again following the consequences of this incident.


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